Raising a son in 2021

Hey everyone!

Lately I’ve been thinking about the incredibly important task that is raising a decent human being.

Realising that Blake won’t be a baby forever – he will grow into a boy, a teenager, and then a man who can make a difference in society. I have one chance at this parenting gig and feel a huge responsibility to do it right. A responsibility to raise a future friend/husband/father that will have a positive impact on others.

It will mean that sometimes I have to be “the bad guy” when I need to. I have no problem with saying no, and laying down boundaries. It’s important to me that us as parents model positive behaviour toward him. That might mean doing some of our own soul searching and questioning our own behaviour to be better parents.

I believe there’s an innate goodness in all human beings when they are born, and it’s up to us as parents to create a safe, loving environment for our children to flourish.

It’s time to stop making excuses and do a better job raising our boys.

Here’s to raising smart, strong, respectful and caring men.

I promise to raise a son who…

Your daughter will be safe with.

Accepts rejection with grace.

Is comfortable with his emotions, feelings and vulnerability.

Will treat women with respect and equality.

Does not think housework or childcare is a females job.

Isn’t lazy, helps around the house, who cooks and cleans up after himself.

Values brains over beauty.

Has a sense of humour and doesn’t take himself too seriously.

Will one day hopefully be a great friend, husband and father.

Wants to pursue his interests and passions over fame or success.

I promise to take responsibility for how I raise my son, and to do so with intention.

Liv x


What they don’t tell you about becoming a mama


Invite me into your mess, my friend.