Invite me into your mess, my friend.

Hi mamas,

In this season of motherhood, life is chaotic, messy, and unorganised.

I used to pride myself on an immaculate house. I would never leave washing unfolded for more than a few minutes, would light an expensive candle before someone came over, and never dream of rocking up to a BBQ with a neon green salad bowl (random, I know, but I explain this more below).

I have to say though - since having a baby, all of that has gone out the door. I’m in a constant battle between keeping a clean house, tidying up toys, trying to make sure Blake doesn’t grab something he shouldn’t, and keeping myself sane. I totally get why some people just say f*ck it, and no longer care - I’ve become one of those people. Gone are the days of pintrest inspiration boards with clean houses and minimalist decor.

Over the last few months, I’ve stopped cleaning up before people come over. “Welcome to the chaos!” I say, as I open the door. Toys on the floor - check. Washing sitting on the table for 3 days - check. Dishes in the sink - check.

I promise I just cleaned, vacuumed and washed dishes a few hours ago.

Nevertheless, here we are, back in the mess, so if a messy house is something that bothers you, then maybe you shouldn’t come over.

I even served a salad in a neon green plastic bowl that Cian brought home over the weekend when we had a BBQ (**gasp). It really was the ugliest salad bowl in existence, but I couldn’t care less lol - too busy keeping my tiny human safe, fed, and happy.

So trust me when I say - you don’t have to clean the house before I come over.

Don’t dress your babe in expensive clothes if they never wear them - my boy has got cheap onesie on. Don’t worry about lighting a candle to make the house smell nice, if you don’t usually do that. Don’t worry if there are dishes in the sink or washing piled up, I’ll help you fold it.

I won’t judge you for having plastic, wooden, paper plates, or ugly neon bowls that you serve food in. I promise I just feel lucky to be eating with you. I’m happy to just be here, basking in the chaos of motherhood with you.

Invite me into your mess, my friend. Because Motherhood is messy, and that’s okay.

Blake… being messy 😂

Liv x


Raising a son in 2021