Olivia’s Portfolio

Who am I?

My name is Olivia. I’m Registered Nurse, writer and mother of two.

I am based in Auckland, NZ.

Despite the rise of visual apps like Tiktok, Instagram, and Youtube, I believe all people innately want to read. I have the ability to target a new generation of readers. How…? Because I am one of them!

As someone who feels everything deeply, writing has always been a positive outlet for my thoughts, feelings and experiences. I believe the best writers are just regular people with extraordinary stories to tell.

What can I do?

I can write articles and educational posts, interviews, opinion pieces, and share vulnerable stories. Take your business or brand to the next level and appoint me to manage your blog.

Using search engine optimisation (SEO), I will find traffic-driving keywords so your page is easily accessed and found by readers from sites like Google. Using popular, relevant keywords means your blog will stand out. Readers will be funnelled from your blog directly into your website, and will subsequently be viewing your products and services.

I manage the entire writing process. This includes researching, planning, curating, writing, editing, and publishing. View my portfolio of writing below.

Contact me