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Postpartum Series: Madison

In our sixth interview for the postpartum series, I am bringing you an interview with Madison Cairns. Madison is a mama in her 20’s who lives in New Zealand.

We discuss all things postpartum, and Madison shares her advice for new mamas.

Hi Madison! Thank you so much for joining me in an interview about your postpartum experience.

Let’s start by introducing yourself and your little family…

Hi, my name is Madison, just over a year ago I married my incredible husband Luke and we just recently welcomed our little baby girl Sienna into this world.

Sienna is 8 weeks old today, she was born on the 3rd of December, 2021. She is such a big mixture, my dad is South African and my mum is Kiwi and partly Danish. Luke’s family originates from South Africa, his dad is African and his mum is mostly European. We really need to take a DNA test to find out exactly what she is as it is a big blend. She is still so little but forever changing, her personality so far seems to be very calm, she has such a beautiful energy about her.

Can you tell us about giving birth to Sienna, and your subsequent postpartum recovery?

My pregnancy with Sienna was the most amazing experience ever, however, it came with its challenges. From about 6 weeks I struggled quite badly with sickness, I was later diagnosed with hyperemesis. I was vomiting up until the birth which was quite a challenge physically and mentally as I really struggled to put on weight or keep down any food, ironically I started to find comfort in the constant sickness as it was a reminder that I was carrying my very own baby - it also taught me a lifetime of patience, which has come in very handy with a crying baby. All and all even though I was sick, I really loved being pregnant and watching my body change and all the little kicks and movements. 

My birth experience was a dream, which I am extremely grateful for - I put that down to my incredible OB, husband and my mum. Sienna was starting to drop on the percentile, she went from the 50th to the 2nd percentile within a couple of weeks so the best option was to go ahead with an induction at 39 weeks, I was induced using the balloon method on a Thursday night which wasn’t the most pleasant experience, we went home for the night, then the cramping and contractions started, that whole night felt never ending. I went into the hospital at 6:00am the next morning to have my waters broken. I was already about 5cm dilated, I then had the epidural which was amazing and from that point I was super comfortable and excited to meet my baby. By about 12pm I felt quite a lot of pressure, the midwife checked me and I was surprisingly 10cm dilated, my OB got to the hospital at 1pm, I started pushing and 20 minutes later I pulled Sienna out which was the most amazing experience. She was so tiny, only 2.6kg so we had to stay in hospital for the night for monitoring, we then transferred to Birthcare, which was really beneficial for us as we learnt a lot.

Are you happy with how much support you have had after giving birth? What do you think we, as a community, can do, to support new mamas?

I have been so lucky to have incredible support from my husband and my family - my husband has taken to fatherhood so naturally he really is the best dad, we are so lucky. I think having a baby, especially being a young mama you really realise who/what is important, you see peoples true colours which for me has been a blessing and a curse. I have found that other young mamas that I know have been so supportive, reaching out and checking in with me. Just a simple message asking how you are doing goes a long way! 

In your opinion, what is the best thing about being a mama?

Everything! If I had to choose a favourite part I would have to say just knowing that this little person needs you and you are their everything - and of course the cuddles and smiles. I have also loved breastfeeding - the bond is so special.

What has been the most difficult part?

The sleep deprivation 100%, the first 6 weeks were hard and so tiring, sleep is so important and I felt as if I couldn’t function properly but we are finally getting longer stretches at night.

It’s 2022, and the juggle is real for mamas and work. What are your plans around work/career and motherhood? 

After completing my Bachelor of Communication Studies I decided to continue studying, I am now in my third year of my criminology degree. I am taking a semester off to enjoy being a mama and soak up the newborn bliss. I plan to return to my studies as soon as Sienna is eating solids - as of right now she is a hungry girl who needs her mama to be around her at all times for her milk. 

You recently celebrated your one year anniversary with your husband Luke, congratulations!!

What relationship advice would you give to couples who have a baby on the way?

Thank you! I think the best advice I could give is just to support each other. Not only are you becoming a new mum, they are becoming a new dad, it can be incredibly overwhelming for both of you! We were both new to the whole parent thing so just being a strong team and understanding each other has been so important and has helped us to navigate this new life.

What will be your essential newborn items if you decide to have baby number two?

Honestly, we bought a lot of stuff while I was pregnant and most of it we haven’t used. I have found for us personally that less is more. However, there have been a few things that I don’t think I could live without and would definitely use again for baby number two!

For baby -

The Boody onesies, they have been so amazing! They have the built in mittens and feet, a zip at the bottom and the top, which makes late night nappy changes super easy and they are so soft and stretchy! 

• The Baby Bouncinette, we use this all the time, usually when we are eating dinner Sienna chills in it.
• The Love to Dream zip up swaddle. Sienna sleeps in this and seems to love it. 

• Burp cloths - you can never have enough!

For mama -

• A postpartum must for me were adult diapers, they were a godsend!

Do you have any other advice to give new mamas trying to navigate postpartum life?

The only advice I would say is just go with the flow, no day is the same when you have a newborn, just when you feel like you have finally got it figured out they change. I try not to have any expectations and just take each day as it comes. It is so true what everyone says that time goes by in the blink of an eye - soak up all the cuddles and moments with your newborn and don’t be too hard on yourself :)

Madison’s instagram: @madisoncairns__

Read my other postpartum interviews:

Postpartum Interview: Kate

Postpartum Interview: Dani

Postpartum Interview: Ruby

Postpartum Interview: Libby


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