Olivia Charlotte

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Our Next Chapter: Two Under Two


It has been a while since my last post, but I’m finally feeling like writing again after a little hiatus.

For those of you who don’t know - I am currently in my third trimester with another beautiful boy on the way! Hooray! Cian and I always said we wanted two kids close together, and to get the nappy/no sleep stage out of the way instead of waiting too long. This wasn’t completely planned, my period returned 9 months postpartum and I got pregnant that very month. When I missed my period, took a test, and those two little pink lines popped up, I was full of emotion and shock at first.

A few days after the positive test I started bleeding after a crazy F45 workout. I was convinced it was going to be another miscarriage and prepared myself for this outcome. However, the pregnancy continued to progress normally and thankfully a strong flicker of a heartbeat popped up on that ultrasound. During my first trimester it was all a blur. In all honesty, between work and looking after our one year old, I was so busy that I forgot I was pregnant half the time! I ensured I listened to my body as much as possible and took myself off for a nap or an early night when I needed it.

At 10 weeks pregnant I did a blood test (NIPT), to find out what gender we were having. Cian’s parents were coming over from the UK and we wanted to do a little gender reveal for them. For four long weeks I kept the secret from Cian and everyone else, and we did a cute little gender reveal! We were over the moon to be having another gorgeous boy.

As I am now in my third trimester, I’m starting to take time to ‘unlearn’ all the negatives from my previous birth with Blake, and go in with a fresh mindset and a positive stance. As this will most likely be another fast labour and birth, I have decided on birthing baby #2 in the water. My mindset behind this is that the water creates a safe and familiar environment, comforting and warm, and will allow me to get in the right headspace to birth my baby. A few things I’m doing to prepare -

  1. I have found a midwife I totally trust and know that she will take care of my baby and I.

  2. Writing down the positive aspects of my birth with Blake.

  3. Indulging in positive birth stories, including water births.

  4. Researching the natural steps of labour and birth so I’m well prepared of each stage and phase that my body is going through.

  5. Creating a relaxing environment with (fake) candles, a birthing playlist, and positive affirmations to read during labour.

  6. Teaching Cian ways he can support me throughout the process.

  7. Continuing to remind myself that birth is such a short period of time, and so completely worth it to meet our little boy.

As well as preparing for birth, we also need to prepare Blake for the arrival of a new baby.

We anticipate that the first 1-2 months will be a difficult adjustment for him, however we are planning on doing a few things to help the transition go smoothly. This includes sticking to Blake’s usual routines, getting presents for both boys to ‘give’ each other when they meet, have them meet in a familiar and safe environment (at home), and including Blake as much as possible in day-to-day things with the baby, like diaper changes and feeds. Ensuring Blake still gets attention, cuddles and lots of love once the new baby is here. Do you have any tips for transitioning toddlers into the ‘sibling’ phase?? If so, please do let me know!

I have no doubt this next chapter in our lives will be stressful, tiring, and there will be days Cian and I look at each other and think WTF have we done?!? But here is my mantra - I will tell myself to take it day by day, week by week, and know that this is a season that will come to pass. As long as our boys are fed, clean, loved and looked after, what else could we ask for?

As my birth approaches I will be doing more blog posts around motherhood, and preparing for the birth and arrival of baby #2. Life is messy, crazy, but so full of love, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Liv x